Awesome! We’re so excited to meet you! We want to make your visit as comfortable as possible, so here are some answers to questions you may have about First Baptist Church - West Plains:

What times are services?
We have services Sunday morning at 8:00 and 10:30 and Sunday evenings at 5:00. We also have Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 9:15.

Where are you located?
We are located at 202 Walnut St. West Plains MO, 65775. If you turn onto East Main Street off the square, we are the first turn on the left.
Our main services are in our main campus, which is the largest building with a red roof and two flag poles in front. We have two entrances; however, our main enterance is the two glass doors between the two pillers. Our secondary enterance is beneath the green awning.

What happens in a service?
While our services are somewhat dynamic, we will generally stick to a certain flow. Typically, people will begin to arrive about 15 minutes before service begins. We will have a 5 minute countdown before time. We will play our announcement video at the beginning of service to keep you up to date on what’s going on around FBC. Then, a member of our leadership team will pray as our deacons take up the offering. Then, Steve Francis, our worship leader, will lead us through three songs. After that, John King, our pastor, will preach for about 30 minutes. Typically, service will last about an hour.

What do I wear?
There is no dress code at FBC, anyone is welcome no matter their appearance. Typically, people will dress a bit nicer than casual wear. However, jeans are worn just as often as dresses.

Will I be expected to give?
We take an offering every Sunday morning before our time of worship. Our offerings help us keep our facilities running and reach out to our community. However, there is no obligation to give, especially if you are a guest. We are just excited that you are with us and we have no expectations for you.

What do you believe/teach?
We believe that scriptures are the spoken word of God, so in his sermons, Pastor John will typically go verse by verse through scripture.

Do you have any ministry opportunities?
We have several ministries for individuals here at FBC West Plains and for individuals looking for an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ reaching out into their community. Check out more information about our ministries at: